Sunday, 10 June 2012

And another TWO days of working on car!

Started work on the chassis rail, and have managed to get alot done. It was quite interesting cutting and stitching the pieces of steel together. It all feels very strong and now looking forward to finishing this part and moving on to the outriggers.

Thursday, 7 June 2012

I'm on a roll, now...

Another few patches done, so thats all the easy ones sorted. Just started cutting one of the templates that will make up the 2 sides of the chassis rail. Once I have finished this side, hopefully putting some strength back in, I will patch the inside.

Wednesday, 6 June 2012

Actually got a lot of welding done today...

Today was a good day, probably should have started earlier but I am very happy that I welded in 7 patches. This means that I can now turn the chassis over and do the more difficult patches that require cutting around certain brackets.